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Mindful Coaching for Health and Happiness

Jay Maybin Coaching

    “ To help you dig deep into your strengths, to evoke awareness around your intentions in order for you to develop a resilient path forward” 


       Chances are if you’re here, you’ve reached a point where the thing you’re trying to solve, accomplish or finish remains out of reach. The resistance that you have to move through this is stalling you, the path is not clear and you are left wondering what to do next. Let's take a deep breath and get down to some serious work to uncover what your possibilities are and hold on to your authenticity in the process.  


What sets me apart is my curiosity, patience, compassion and my ability to hold healthy space for you when something difficult or emotional comes up. My own Life Experience and training will be with you in each session while we work with what is in the way and how you will overcome it. 

Live Free info sessions available

Why I Help

     My own realization “I can’t do it all on my own” lead me to a men’s group in the summer of 2023 . Up until this point my personal experience in relationships with men in my life was, for the most part, surface interactions lacking depth and connection, unhealthy competitiveness and ego grounded. Through my Men’s group I’m learning the skills to be self-lead, lean into my vulnerability and listen in the silence. I’m also showing up as the man I want to be in the world: compassionate, open-hearted, authentic and grounded. Through my career/life experience paired with Life and Wellness Coach Certification through the Canada Coach Academy I offer my learnings to you. 


How I Help

     The kinds of challenges I am confident to  assist with include relationships, co-dependency, life direction, goal setting, self-reflection, self awareness and re-igniting self energy and self leadership. Through my experience in management, I was consistently drawn towards coaching. It was exciting to break a larger problem into small, more manageable pieces and turn these pieces into building blocks towards a solution. I loved working through challenges, from the inter-personal to the organizational and witnessing the shifts that emerged. Taking the process from the initial dilemma to the desired outcome through intentional conversation, planning and execution. This is what coaching is all about. 


Coaching vs Counselling

 Coaching is present and future focused whereas counselling typically looks at the past. Coaching helps reveal the skills, strengths and knowledge you already possess so you can use these skills to get what you want most. Counselling is often focused on the why and coaching on the how.


Are you ready?

  If you are searching for answers and looking for new paths in life and wellness let’s get started! Let’s build a comprehensive plan to achieve what you want and carry that through to fruition. First Step is to book a 15 minute free Discovery Call so we can see how we may work together. It is essential that we are able to build trust so we can create the environment of improvement together and fully realize your potential 

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